Places We’re Watching: Indianapolis

Places We’re Watching: Indianapolis

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) published a paper on recent developments in Indianapolis. As in Springfield MA, it is inspiring to see the district embrace school autonomy, and empower teachers and leaders to make decisions based on students’ unique needs....

Education Dilemmas and the Third Way

I enjoyed reading this thought piece by Andy Smarick because it so succinctly captures the dilemma that is at the heart of Empower’s focus on the Third Way. Smarick states it this way: “And therein lies our fundamental challenge. Today’s decentralized systems of...
The ‘third way’ in education

The ‘third way’ in education

Commonwealth Magazine – “POLARIZATION AND TRENCH WARFARE, the partisan watchwords these days in Washington, have also come to define education debates. In Massachusetts, as much as $30 million could be spent between now and November in what promises to be...